Hello everyone,
With the success of Carpe Diem 2021, we thought it would be a good idea to run it again for 2022, only this time expanding the geographical reach of it to include Wales and Scotland. Also, this time we’re opening it to partners of members, so ride it yourself, with a pillion or with a partner on their own bike.
The idea is that you visit a series of landmarks and accrue points for each one visited, with differing points allocated depending how far each landmark is from a central location. For 2022, the central location is the PEMC building at Nottingham University on Triumph Way in Nottingham. PEMC stands for Power, Electronics, Machines and Control, of course.
So, just as a reminder of how it works – this is what you do: take a photo of your bike as close as possible to the landmark – most are at kerbside with a few just 20 yards or so away, but still visible from the road – then you post your photos on the PEMC Facebook members’ page. We’re using Facebook as it’s the most efficient platform for the transmission of multiple photos, but it might be a good idea to email Mike Smith with just one picture so he can log your entry. Apologies if you’re not on Facebook, but perhaps if you fancy taking part someone could help you access it for this event. Mike will keep a tally.
To whet your appetite, please see the email I sent out on 29th Nov 2021 – all the information you need – 66 locations, descriptions and gpx file. Garry Smith has very kindly provided a link to all the locations on Google maps
Hers’s the link to the map….. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1Jb9wDuHhr_3ikGvTcUIAomf9u2LJzarG&usp=sharing
Anyone that visits 50 or more will win a bottle of bubbly to be presented at the Christmas Party on 3rd December 2022. The start date for this event is January 1st 2022 (so any locations visited on the way to and from the Cobweb event on the 9th January will qualify), with the end date being 30th November 2022.
Thanks again to Mike Smith and also Garry for the Google map.
Here’s to a successful 2022 for the club.
Best Wishes, Bryan